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Évaluation de risques [1]

Assess your risk and capacity for participating in actions that risk arrest.

Risk: can be defined by legal, social, physical or financial consequences. There are individual factors which may place some people at higher risk of harassment, violence, arrest and more when taking higher-risk actions. Furthermore, certain circumstances can keep people from doing as much as they wish they could safely. Factors/circumstances that may increase your risk or decrease your capacity when participating in actions include:

  • Member of a marginalized group (BIPOC, LGBTQ2+ etc).
  • Lack of experience and/or knowledge in de-escalation 
  • Absence of legal status in Canada (undocumented immigrants, International students)
  • Having ties to the targeted group (i.e. parent who works for the bank) OR ties to a company highly supported by the targeted group
  • Having past arrests
  • Being a student who receives significant financial aid
  • Staying in a shelter or supportive housing
  • Critical medical or disability needs
  • Mental health related factors
  • Financial/work constraints

This is not an exhaustive list. Please take your own personal factors into account when assessing your level of risk.  

Droits et limites

Propriété privée et publique

Filmer et identifier la police

Et si la police veut votre cellulaire ou ordinateur?

Révéler son identité

Droits non-protégés

Arrestation et détention

Droits en cas d'arrestation ou de détention

Se défendre d'accusations criminelles

Libération et conditions


Personnes mineures

Constats d'infraction

Violation de droits

Réduction de risques

Motifs d'arrestation communs

Règlements municipaux

Armes et instruments policiers

Témoignage d'une personne avocate

Définitions préalables

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