Justice migratoire
Un personne immigrante est « une personne qui s'éloigne de son lieu de résidence habituel, que ce soit à l'intérieur d'un pays ou à travers une frontière internationale, de manière temporaire ou permanente, et pour diverses raisons. Le terme englobe un certain nombre de catégories juridiques de personnes bien définies ».-International Organization for Migration
La justice migratoire est « un mouvement qui demande la fin des déplacements, des détentions et des déportations ; la lutte pour un statut d'immigration pour tous les personnes immigrantes, les personnes réfugiées, en situation d'étude, de travail ou sans-papiers. » -Radical Action With Migrants in Agriculture & Migrant Rights Network, adapté par Michelle Xie [1]
Exemples de personnes pouvant être définies comme des personnes immigrantes
Personnes travailleuses migrantes |
Personnes réfugiées |
Personne étudiante de l'étranger |
Personnes migrantes internes |
Si vous avez des corrections ou des ressources complémentaires à nous partager en lien avec ce contenu, vous pouvez contacter bibliothecaire@lehub.ca.
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<figure class="mw-halign-center" typeof="mw:File/Frameless">[2]<figcaption></figcaption></figure>
Migrant justice is a climate justice issue
Climate change is increasing the frequency of migration [6] |
Further marginalization of oppressed communities upon forced migration |
The right to migrate |
Access to work and social services |
The right to self-determination |
Success story: Mongla, Bangladesh [12]
The city of Mongla in Bangladesh is a great example of an inclusive welcoming for climate migrants. The city offers a job to all newcomers and is working actively to integrate them in schools and universities. This has improved the integration of migrants in their new community. New climate-resilient infrastructures was also built to improve the adaptative capacity of the city, and to protect the population.
A special thanks to Laury Ouellet for their tremendous support compiling content for this page.
If you have any suggested revisions or additional resources to share related to the above content, please email them to kenzie@lehub.ca.
- ↑ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HC35f2kDXc8cgLYWc9_oUZmINoTfP3_I
- ↑ https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/220622/dq220622c-eng.htm
- ↑ https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/220622/dq220622c-eng.htm
- ↑ https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/study-canada/work/work-off-campus.html
- ↑ https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/canadian-firefighters-race-flames-evacuate-yellowknife-2023-08-18/
- ↑ Climate and migration. (2015). Exploring climate, disasters and migration. [Online podcast]. https://climatemigration.org.uk/podcast-when-people-move-understanding-how-climate-change-creates-the-movement-of-people/
- ↑ Migrant Rights Network. 2023. About Migrant Rights Network. https://migrantrights.ca/about/
- ↑ Greenfield, N. (2022). Climate migration and equity. https://www.nrdc.org/stories/climate-migration-equity
- ↑ Fukuchi, A. n.d. No borders: There is no environmental justice without immigrant justice. https://www.no-burn.org/no-borders-there-is-no-environmental-justice-without-immigrant-justice/
- ↑ Ahsan, R. (2019). Climate-induced migration: Impacts on social structures and justice in Bangladesh. South Asia Research, 39(2), 184-201.
- ↑ The Leap. 2019. Migrant justice is climate justice. https://theleap.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Migrant-Justice-is-Climate-Justice-4.12.19.pdf
- ↑ Alam, J. 2022. For climate migrants in Bangladesh, town offers a new life. https://apnews.com/article/immigration-climate-science-business-environment-f12044741514a62ca3f4fd692bf006d0