S'aligner sur la direction du groupe : comment décider de ce que vous voulez et comment vous y arriverez
Ce qui suit répond aux questions soulevées lors de nos ateliers sur la structure et la stratégie par des membres de groupes nouvellement formés ou qui n'ont pas encore adopté une orientation claire. Cette ressource a été développée à partir des recommandations incluses dans les ressources développées par les organisateurs, des idées des activistes et de la consultation directe d' Amara Possain, conseillère du HUB. L'article ci-dessous contient des suggestions pour formuler une vision et une mission, déterminer les valeurs et la conduite de votre groupe, élaborer une théorie du changement et des conseils pour faciliter ces réunions.
Réflexions préliminaires
1. N'oubliez pas que tout ce travail préparatoire n'a de sens que lorsque vous commencez à agir ensemble ! Vous pouvez toujours revenir sur vos accords et vos orientations à un moment ultérieur. Il est important de ne pas s'enfermer dans le processus d'élaboration des déclarations « parfaites » au point de ne jamais passer à l'action. Essayez une action qui convient au groupe et débriefez après coup pour savoir si elle correspond à vos principes, à vos valeurs et à votre objectif. Les mots n'ont pas de véritable signification tant que l'on n'agit pas. -Amara Possain, consultante pour le HUB
2. Incorporez des occasions de se réjouir et d'établir des relations tout au long du processus. Il est important d'instaurer la confiance afin que les gens s'engagent dans le processus et ses résultats !
Étape 1: Se mettre d'accord sur le processus
Un bon point de départ est de se mettre d'accord sur le fait que votre groupe souhaite construire quelque chose collectivement ! La responsabilité de la facilitation de ce processus doit être partagée par au moins deux personnes. Tout au long du processus, pensez au développement du leadership en plus du processus de construction de votre groupe. Dans cette perspective, faites tourner les responsabilités pour que les membres acquièrent des compétences. -Amara Possain, Consultante pour le Hub [1]
Conditions favorisant l'alignement des membres
1. Alignement sur l'objectif et la vision |
2. Clarté des opérations de prise de décision |
3. Concentration et limites |
4. Confiance |
5. Attentes du groupe |
Que se passe-t-il si un membre de notre groupe n'est pas d'accord avec la plupart des décisions du groupe ?
« Il n'y a pas de mal à avoir de nombreux groupes qui abordent le changement social de différentes manières. Lorsqu’une personne se présente et veut changer complètement de direction, nous devons rappeler qu'il existe de nombreuses façons différentes de s'organiser et de travailler ensemble et que si la personne n'est pas d'accord avec l'approche, elle peut créer son propre groupe ! » -Amara Possain, consultante pour le HUB
Étape 2: Visualiser l'endroit où vous irez, ce que vous ferez et pourquoi (s’aligner sur l'objectif et la vision)
Une déclaration de vision explique ce que votre groupe aspire à réaliser. Il s'agit de phrases courtes qui expriment vos espoirs pour l'avenir. [2]
Les déclarations de mission décrivent ce que le groupe va faire et pourquoi il va le faire. En d'autres termes, ce que vous allez faire, pourquoi et pour qui. Votre déclaration de mission rappelle aux membres pourquoi vous vous êtes rassemblés. [3]
Étapes de l'élaboration des déclarations de vision et de mission
1. Reflect and brainstorm ideas |
Other questions to reflect on:
2. Write down sentences that summarize ideas from your discussions |
3. Review good vision and mission statements |
A good vision statement is [4] :
For example... “A world of fair, inclusive and caring societies, where white supremacy and patriarchy are things of the past and where people can live free from colonialism, exploitation and inequality, in all of its forms. A world where our societies operate in respect of the resource limits of the earth and support the survival of all forms of life. Where no population extracts and consumes an inordinate amount at the expense of others and one where all people, wherever they live, are protected from the effects of climate change and resource depletion.” -The HUB’s vision statement
For example... “Stand.earth challenges corporations and governments to treat people and the environment with respect, because our lives depend on it.” -Stand.earth |
4. Form your vision and mission statements! | The following exercise by Mob Lab can be used to formulate your vision statement:
a) Give everyone a sheet of paper and things to write/draw with (or asked folks to take notes or draw in front of them if virtually meeting). Have each person draw their vision for the future. This is intentionally left vague, with no time frame, to allow participants to define the scope of the vision. Maximum 10 mins for the drawing exercise. b) Everyone presents and talk about their drawing or writing (2 minutes each). While this is happening a facilitator takes notes on flip chart or virtual post-its capturing the highlights of what people say. c) Once everyone has presented all images are posted on the wall (or virtual board) together. Ask participants what similarities they see. These should be big picture themes related to the long term vision. d) From discussion, identify biggest themes and write them as statements that describe the long term vision for the campaign where everyone can see and access it. Want an alternative to the above exercise? Check out the following exercises by ACT tools: 'future travel' exercise & magazine article exercise.
5. Revisit your vision and mission statements |
vision assessment tool from ATC.
Step 3: Determining what is important and how you'll work together (decision making, boundaries and expectations)
To define what's important and how you'll work together, you'll need to outline your collective values, principles and protocols. This is usually compiled in the form of a collective working agreement or a code of conduct. [6] These components help to form the basis for the team culture you hope to build.
Reminder: it's important to remember not to spend too much time bogged down on writing perfect working agreements! Start with what is most important to your collective. These agreements can be revisited and modified as concerns arise.
Coming up with a working agreement/code of conduct:
Hold initial reflections [7] |
Understanding components of a working agreement |
Review example group principles and protocols |
Example protocols from #Asians4BlackLives:
Other examples of protocols might include, for example Erreur de référence : Balise fermante
A TOC is your hypothesis about how to organize your resources to affect those who hold the resources/power to solve the problem. See our definitions page on theory of change for an overview.
Turning alignment into action: planning a campaignOnce you've drafted a rough TOC, you can begin to define the strategy you'll use to put the alignment of your team into action. Please see the following wiki page for information on these next steps: What is the right way to come up with a campaign strategy?
Facilitation pointers for the alignment process and beyondGeneral pointers from Adrienne Maree Brown's Emergent Strategy [8] |
- ↑ https://atctools.org/wp-content/uploads/toolkit-files/creating-group-alignment.pdf === It is suggested to hold some reflective discussions to solidify what you hope this process will achieve. Some potential goals for the alignment process include:
- ↑ https://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/structure/strategic-planning/vision-mission-statements/main
- ↑ https://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/structure/strategic-planning/vision-mission-statements/main
- ↑ https://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/structure/strategic-planning/vision-mission-statements/main
- ↑ https://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/structure/strategic-planning/vision-mission-statements/main
- ↑ https://medium.com/the-mission/the-difference-between-principles-and-values-789b95452422
- ↑ https://commonslibrary.org/creating-a-team-culture/
- ↑ https://www.akpress.org/emergentstrategy.html :
- Reflect on: Why are we meeting? What can this group uniquely accomplish?
- Initial meeting goals can include relationship building, to strengthen trust within the group and therefore resilience and capacity to move together.
- Develop an adaptable, spacious agenda so participants can shape meetings. Most conversations need about 1.5 hours to cover orientation around content, identify what's needed, and next steps.
- "There is a conversation in the room that wants and needs to be had. Don't force it, don't deny it. Let it come forth."
- Be honest about the group's capacity. Assess how much time people have regularly to put into the work ahead of time.
- "Know when to say yes and when to say no. Yes to those things that deepen the gathering- cultural grounding, local welcome, clarifying questions." "Yes to singing, bio breaks (bathroom, fresh air, snacks, self care), ending early (when the group has run out of energy for the day)." "No to judgment, delays, circular conversations, and people who are rejecting the process while offering no alternatives."
- Always finish with discussing elegant next steps, or those which acknowledge "what is known and unknown, and what the capacity of this group actually is."
- "Your mission should be brief and clear, so that you can refer to it at moments of decision, at forks in your organizational road. It should resonate with everyone in the organization."
Key conversations to hold as a team (that should be held once a year):-Meeting for reflection and evaluation
-Meeting for applying lessons from reflection to the next steps (planning)
-Meeting for visioning, emerging, skill development etc.
-How do we do our best... visioning? Learning?
i.e. some members might prefer reading/watching and reflecting together, others might prefer open dialogue, others might prefer being given something to reflect or create from
The following is an example agenda template applying these pointers:
-Welcome (honor the land, place and people)
-Overview of goals, agenda, agreements
-Framing: Why us, here and now?
-Brainstorming discussion
-Harvesting ideas
-Meaning making
-Closing with appreciations for each other and the land
For more on holding group meetings, see the following resource featured on the Commons Library.
If you have any suggested revisions or additional resources to share related to the above content, please email them to kenzie@lehub.ca.This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.