« Recrutement et rétention 101 » : différence entre les versions

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== Cercles d'engagement  <ref>https://www.momentumcommunity.org/</ref>          ==
== Cercles d'engagement  <ref>https://www.momentumcommunity.org/</ref>          ==
The circles of commitment helps to''' model the involvement of people engaging with or in your group, by acting as an outline for you plan to move people from the outer circles (low commitment) to the inner circles (high commitment).'''[[File:Screen Shot 2022-12-12 at 4.20.31 PM.png|500px|center|middle|border]]
Les cercles d'engagement permettent de modéliser l'implication des personnes qui s'engagent avec ou dans votre groupe, en servant de schéma à votre plan pour
faire passer les personnes des cercles extérieurs (faible engagement) aux cercles intérieurs (fort engagement).
[[File:Screen Shot 2022-12-12 at 4.20.31 PM.png|500px|center|middle|border]]

Diagram from: [https://www.momentumcommunity.org/ Momentum Training Community]
Diagram from: [https://www.momentumcommunity.org/ Momentum Training Community]

'''Levels of the circles of commitment'''
'''Niveaux des cercles d'engagement'''

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{| class="wikitable" style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; height: 260px; border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"

Version du 22 août 2023 à 15:21

Les groupes militants ont souvent du mal à mobiliser de nouvelles personnes. Nombre d'entre eux sont également confrontés à des problèmes de rétention,lié au fait que les membres s'épuisent et/ou cessent de participer à l'organisation de groupe.

Les difficultés liées à la mise en action peuvent rendre difficile la création d'une mobilisation et entraîner une baisse de la motivation des membres du groupe. Les problèmes de recrutement et de fidélisation peuvent, dans de nombreux cas, être atténués et résolus en incluant certaines structures et stratégies clés dans les espaces militants.

La ressource suivante a été compilée à partir des bases de données existantes de mouvements terrain, de réflexions publiques sur la mobilisation de nouveaux membres, et à partir des réflexions des personnes militantes qui ont participé à notre cercle d'apprentissage sur la mobilisation de nouvelles personnes. Ce guide a été élaboré en réponse à la demande de groupes qui souhaitaient obtenir des conseils pour augmenter le nombre de leurs membres, c'est-à-dire des stratégies efficaces de recrutement et de rétention.

Le texte surligné correspond à des savoirs partagés lors du cercle de partage organisé par le HUB sur le sujet.

Commencer la planification [1]

Avant de commencer à élaborer ou à définir votre plan de recrutement et de rétention, vous pouvez réfléchir en équipe aux points suivants :

1) Pourquoi sommes-nous ici, comment s'est passé notre arrivée dans notre groupe?

Voici les réponses des personnes ayant participé au cercle d'apprentissage du HUB quant aux raisons pour lesquelles elles ont rejoint leur groupe...

Pour connecter avec des personnes qui se soucient des mêmes choses
  •  Un désir d'espaces partagés, de connexion et de collectivité.
  • D'être en compagnie de personnes qui partagent les mêmes idées et qui veulent agir sur la crise climatique.
  • Pour trouver des personnes qui partagent la même vision du monde, les mêmes préoccupations et la même volonté de lutter pour le changement afin de trouver des solutions.
  • « Venant de l'Alberta où il est effrayant de militer pour le climat, je veux être entourée de personnes qui pensent comme moi pour me sentir moins seule. »
Pour lutter contre le deuil climatique et l'anxiété
  • Pour se sentir en communauté face au chagrin et à l'anxiété liés au climat.
  • En recherche de solidarité et d'espoir
  • Pour combattre la peur, le chagrin et la désillusion face à l'absence de volonté politique et d'action
  • Par préoccupation par les effets de la crise climatique sur sa famille.
  • « Je me sens obligée de transformer mon anxiété liée au climat en action. »
Pour agir
  • Par responsabilité individuelle d'agir dans quelque chose de plus grand, par passion et par engagment.
  • Pour utiliser ses compétences et son potentiel
  • Pour progresser, apprendre, désapprendre et co-créer les changements systémiques nécessaires pour nous rapprocher d'un avenir juste
  • Pour créer quelque chose à partir de la base plutôt que de participer à une campagne qui dit quoi faire.
  • Pour demander des comptes à ceux qui détiennent le plus de pouvoir.
  • Parce que l'espoir et l'optimisme passent par l'action collective.
Les personnes sont arrivées dans le militantisme en...
  • Assistant à un événement virtuel
  • Créant leur propre groupe.
  • Se faisant demander de joindre un groupe.

2) Qui faisait partie du groupe, mais n'en fait plus partie?

Les personnes ayant participé au cercle d'apprentissage du HUB ont réagi comme suit après avoir réfléchi aux raisons pour lesquelles les membres quittent leur groupe....

Épuisement et sentiment de trop-plein
  • Il est difficile de déléguer et d'amener les gens à participer sans sacrifier le bien-être.

L'épuisement professionnel peut sembler être une partie inévitable de l'organisation !

  • Il y a un manque d'attention réelle pour les autres dans le cadre du capitalisme et un besoin d'apprendre comment nous pouvons nous tourner vers les autres pour obtenir du soutien.
  • Nous ne disposons pas des ressources nécessaires pour accomplir ce travail de manière durable, en particulier pour les personnes marginalisées.
  •  La passion et l'importance des enjeux peut rendre difficile la prise de recul.
  • Nous sommes des petites équipes, et chaque personne assume donc beaucoup de choses.
  • Les  personnes ont d'autres responsabilités et engagements, comme la garde d'enfants, l'école, le travail, etc.

Les personnes peuvent être limitées dans la quantité de travail gratuit qu'elles peuvent fournir, ayant des factures à payer.

Le processus d'accueil n'est pas solide

  • Il peut être utile qu'une personne ayant déjà effectué une tâche transmette ses connaissances et son soutien en formant les nouvelles personnes.

Dans le cadre d'un système de jumelage, les nouvelles personnes sont jumelées avec des personnes plus âgées qui effectuent des tâches qui les intéressent. Cela permet également la construction de relations.

  • Il peut y avoir confusion sur la façon de s'impliquer dans l'organisation parce qu'il n'y a pas de pas de feuille de route claire sur ce qui se passe après l'intégration ou l'accueil plus encadré. 

Par exemple, il y a un manque de tâches plus simples/petites pour commencer à s'impliquer activement.

Les espaces ne sont pas accessibles, bienveillances ou actifs dans la résolution de conflit.
  • Les espaces ne sont pas confortables pour les personnes racisées/racialisées et les jeunes.

La culture des organisations climatiques est encore imprégnée de colonialisme et de suprématie blanche.

  • Il y a un manque de soins communautaires et d'opportunités pour construire des relations solides.
  • Il peut y avoir des conflits interpersonnels sans qu'il y ait suffisamment de compétences en matière de gestion des conflits et de réparation des relations.
  • Culture de club où les nouvelles personnes ne se sentent pas à l'aise car elles ne sont pas invitées à participer.
Un manque de direction et d'ouverture aux idées
  • Un manque de direction et de concentration. Peut être ressenti comme étant désorganisé et inefficace.

Un manque de but clairs mène à des campagnes inefficaces et des rencontres qui ne mènent nulle part.

  • Un manque d'ouverture aux idées
  • Il peut y avoir de la rigidité sur les groupes avec ce qui est accepté par le groupe et ce qui est inacceptable.

Par exemple, cela peut être difficile de laisser de la place aux nouvelles idées quand les personnes membres fondatrices ont une idée prédéterminée de ce que l'équipe va faire.

Sentiment d'inefficacité
  • Le rythme lent de changement peut être frustrant.

3) Qu'est-ce qui fait que les gens restent?

Les personnes ayant participé au cercle d'apprentissage du HUB ont réagi comme suit après avoir réfléchi aux raisons pour lesquelles les membres restent dans leur groupe....

Joie et célébration
  • Faire de la place pour la joie et la célébration.
  • Les débriefing après des actions sont des bonnes façons de célébrer en équipe.
    Le partage de nourriture!
  • Des moments de plaisir. « Nous avions l'habitude de demander à une personne de notre équipe de se porter volontaire pour apporter quelque chose (activité, chanson, vidéo) afin de détendre l'atmosphère à la fin de chaque réunion, de manière à ce que les personnes ne partent pas en se sentent démotivées. »
Apprendre des habiletés et utiliser ses forces dans la prise d'action
  • Des opportunités d'apprendre, de développer des compétences, de partager des intérêts, des passions et des talents.
  • Acquérir de nouvelles compétences en matière de leadership et  sentir un encouragement à prendre plus de responsabilités.
  • Utiliser l'art et la narration comme vecteurs de connexion et de communication.
Diversité d'implication

  • Diversité des tâches et des projets.
  • Trouver un équilibre entre les campagnes à court terme visant à obtenir des résultats tangibles et les campagnes à long terme.
  • Agir de différentes manières !
Culture du soin et des relations
  • Un sentiment d'appartenance, de communauté, de camaraderie et d'appréciation. (Par exemple, en mentionnant les bons coups!)

  • Encourager les gens à respecter leurs capacités et à se soutenir mutuellement.

  • Se retrouver avec des personnes partageant les mêmes idées et nouer des amitiés..
  • L'écoute active et la tenue de discussions réfléchies.

Sentiment de pouvoir collectif

  • Avoir son groupe être reconnu par la communauté.

  • Partager des responsabilités et des rôles.

Modèles permettant d'orienter les stratégies de recrutement et rétention

Chaque étape, dépendamment d'où les personnes se situent dans les différents modèles, recquièrent des stratégies spécifiques.

Échelle de l'engagement [2]

L'échelle d'engagement peut être un outil utile pour décrire les appels à l'action que les personnes qui ne sont pas impliquées dans votre groupe peuvent lancer pour s'engager, tout en examinant comment les gens peuvent accroître leur engagement pour devenir plus actives. Une personne qui se situe à « 1 » ou au bas de l'échelle dans le modèle n'a aucun lien avec votre campagne ou votre lutte, et un « 5 » est une personne prête à se présenter à une action.

Les actions sur l'échelle augmentent en intensité et/ou en demande ou en exigences de l'individu au fur et à mesure qu'il progresse et devient plus actif. Réfléchissez à ce dont les personnes pourraient avoir besoin pour se sentir confiantes dans leur progression sur l'échelle et à la manière dont vous pouvez les soutenir.

Bien entendu, l'échelle ne doit servir que de schéma. Certaines personnes seront plus disposées à participer à une action qu'à passer des appels téléphoniques. L'idée, cependant, est de dresser un tableau des actions qui présentent le moins de barrières à l'entrée et qui peuvent encourager les gens à s'impliquer davantage.

Image par 350.org

Cercles d'engagement [3]

Les cercles d'engagement permettent de modéliser l'implication des personnes qui s'engagent avec ou dans votre groupe, en servant de schéma à votre plan pour faire passer les personnes des cercles extérieurs (faible engagement) aux cercles intérieurs (fort engagement).

Fichier:Screen Shot 2022-12-12 at 4.20.31 PM.png

Diagram from: Momentum Training Community

Niveaux des cercles d'engagement

Community targets

Audiences you try to reach out to and engage; those not yet involved with your group in any capacity. See the section on community mapping for more on defining your targets.


Your mailing list and/or social media following.


Those who regularly participate; e.g. those who respond to calls to action.


High action takers and people who would consider themselves formal 'members' of a group.

Core Steers a lot of the group's direction; typically includes those who have been in the group the longest, or who have the most lived and/or organizing experience. (In smaller teams, the committed and core may be combined).

Engaging community members to join your base

The following describes strategies for moving people from community targets to the crowd/membership levels of the circles of commitment model.

Defining community targets using community mapping [4]

A helpful first step for moving community targets is to define who they are! Who are you trying to reach?

Community mapping aims to gather information about how a community operates to develop the right strategies to mobilize and involve them. Rather than taking a broad approach to recruitment, this longer-term process of listening develops more targeted messaging and approaches, and builds foundations of relationships that are more likely to lead to involvement.

Community mapping can help you identify:

  • organizing opportunities
  • campaign partners and opportunities for solidarity
  • potential threats
  • the political climate

This information can support you when developing outreach plans, as well as when building coalitions and deciding on messaging.

Steps of community mapping [5]

1. Define a community

This might include a community...

  • being impacted most heavily by an issue (e.g. people living near a construction zone)
  • where some level of protest or activity has already taken place (e.g. a local union) 
  • that your organization already has links to (e.g. local school)
  • that simply has people who are willing to work with you (e.g. parents or teachers at local schools)

Questions to ask that can help you define a community to work with include...

  • What are we currently doing locally?
  • Who are our current and potential allies and partners?
  • Who cares about this issue (consider demographics) and why? (e.g. high school/university students taken an environmental course)
  • What's in the area? (Resources or organizations, Institutions such as churches, schools, hospitals, universities, city hall, etc., unique or problematic features such as amusement parks, factories, etc.)

2. Hold initial meetings to identify what you need to learn and who will help you 

Invite a few members of the community to engage in some discussion. For example, if you want to engage teachers in your community, can you think of a couple teachers who would be willing enough to chat over coffee? Make this as inviting as possible, and ensure it meets their needs! (e.g. is online or over lunch best?)

  • Initial meetings are held to clarify information and discuss who might be contacted next and how.
  • Ideally, initial meetings will enthuse community members to engage in the next steps.
  • Further meetings can be held in informal and culturally appropriate settings

Questions to ask during these meetings include...

  • What's the best way of approaching people?
  • Where can people be reached?
  • How can the process be widened?
  • What language(s) are used?
  • What activities do people enjoy?
  • What do people care about?
  • What are the sources of tension? What are our threats?
  • Where can we meet?
3. Document and carry out the plan outlined through discussion with community members
  • Define your audience and outreach strategies to prepare for action. E.g. "our target audience is teachers, who care about the planet and the wellbeing of their students. There is tension to get everything in the curriculum done. They can be best reached over email, and enjoy when people from outside the classroom visit for presentations while they are on PREP time."
  • Draft the pitch you'll use for outreach, or a message if you're doing online outreach. 
  • Note that direct, one-on-one outreach or asks to join an action or group are often much more successful than general call outs. Get in touch with people directly as much as possible.
  • Carry out mobilization strategies tailored to target the audience you identified. Repeat the process again for another community target group!

The following were suggested in our learning circle as strategies/considerations when trying to engage with specific communities:

  • If possible, building a relationship of trust before asking anything from the targeted community.

(E.g. showing up at their community events if they host any. If it's a community group, attending their group's meetings to learn what's important to them, and eventually to share information about one another's groups and how you could work together)

  • Consider who is most appropriate to reach certain groups; do you have any connections that could help?
  • Developing social media pages so people can quickly learn more (i.e. facebook and instagram pages)
  • If you can get together with one individual from the community, do fun things while you chat and learn more! 
  • For politicians: We phoned our mayor and council asking for a one on one meeting….it worked, whereas they didn't respond to previous emails.

Choosing engagement strategies

Strategies used to mobilize community targets tend to fall on the lower end of the ladder of engagement (meaning engagement isn't a huge commitment, and these actions can be great for building relationships and the motivation to join). For example:

Social media/online

  • Posts should use messaging targeted to the particular audience you want to engage.
  • Use calls to action such as watching and sharing videos, signing online petitions, sending out pre-drafted emails or open letters
  • Virtual meetings or events can reduce barriers to participation for many (i.e. documentary screenings and discussion).

Showing up to an action

Ways to increase engagement at actions include:

  • Handing out info sheets.
  • Offering petitions to sign and/or collecting emails.
  • Offering numbers and scripts for phone banking.
  • Livestreaming the event.
  • Sharing the level of risk and being transparent about actions that may involve arrest.

Participants in our learning circle said the following actions were easy to engage in: 

  • Online actions (e.g. phone banking, webinars etc.)
  • Rallies/marches (held at accessible times)
  • Fun events held in public spaces (i.e. kid-friendly)

Local news coverage

  • Write opinion pieces or reaching out to the local media to amplify your group's message and/or actions. Smaller newspapers are often happy to share events from local groups.
  • Contact the editor through your local newspaper's website.
  • You could also ask to share a call for people to join your team.


  • Make sure to include information about meeting time/location (if available), and how to contact you. 

Direct, one-on-one recruitment conversations

(See the below section for more details)

Community gatherings
  • Community BBQ's/picnics
  • Gathering in public spaces that are physically, geographically and digitally accessible.
  • Poster making, letter writing, phone banking sessions
  • Item/donation collections (e.g. the Red Dress collection as a show of resistance against TMX and colonial violence)
Responding to what people want to do!
  • Engage in their different skills and abilities.
  • Move at the speed of trust.
Keeping barriers to engagement low/reducing barriers to engagement
  • Consider virtual and in-person accessibility of the actions you're telling your audience to take. See our page on making your activism accessible for more.
  • Provide things like food, childcare, transportation, virtual participation etc. to reduce barriers to participation.
Outdoor gathering spaces
  • The following was suggested from participants in our navigating turnover in student groups learning circle: In my group at university, we had the privilege of having a garden on campus. This was a big plus for students who wanted to come out and join us in the garden. An outdoor space helps with recruitment!

If you're a university-based group, check out this resource by Divest Ed for more strategies!

One-on-one recruitment [6]

Canvassing means "talking to someone on the street, inviting them into your shared purpose or campaign goal and trying to get their signature and contact information." -The Future Ground Network. Stay tuned for more from our 'deep canvassing' offering. In the meantime, you can learn more about how to engage with people directly to join your group through this resource.

Your recruitment pitch

A recruitment pitch, which shouldn't be longer than about 30 seconds, should include [7]  :

a) An explanation of the purpose of your team in general. 
  • Who are the people being called to action? What challenge do you hope to inspire others to take action on? What is your vision of successful action? How can we act together to achieve this? And how can they begin now, at this moment? Describe this in two or three sentences.

b) An explanation of why you chose to be a part of the team and why you care about the issue.

  • To what values, experiences, or aspirations of your community, will you appeal when you call on them to join you in action? What stories do you share that can express these values? Describe this in two or three sentences.
c) Your hard ask
  • Explain what’s happening at the next meeting and directly ask them if they'd like to attend. Specify the time, place and location of the meeting. Make them feel that you want them to be there, but not like they are doing you a favour.
  • Make sure your ask is not just a suggestion or statement, but a clear and direct question that elicits a specific commitment. i.e. Will you come out on Tuesday evening at 7pm to our meeting? 

Responding to 'no' [8]

Your response will depend on the type of no communicated. 

Not now
  • "Sorry, those times don’t work. Can you email me later?"
  • Make an explicit follow-up plan. i.e. "Can I set up a time with you to check in again in a couple of weeks?"

Not that

  • "I don’t really feel comfortable doing xyz."
  • Listen to your person’s concerns, and try to find a solution that will work for them. i.e. "Is there a way I can support you, such as if we meet early to go over the script together? Or would you prefer to come for data entry this Friday at 5 p.m.?"
Not ever
  • "I’m not interested."
  • If appropriate, asking why may yield helpful feedback. i.e. "Sure, that's no problem. Do you mind if I ask why?"

Engaging your base to increase involvement

Choosing engagement strategies

The following describes strategies for moving people from the crowd into membership/committed circles of the circles of commitment model.

Strategies used to activate current members of your crowd should fall primarily on the mid to upper end of the ladder of engagement (they take and encourage commitment) For example:

Taking action!

Participants in our learning circle said the following actions required more effort to engage in (and that they increased their commitment):

  • Sit ins
  • Marches, rallies and sit-ins (because it feels invigorating to visibly see support)
  • Community outreach (i.e. door knocking, hosting a booth etc).
  • Creating a social media campaign
  • Meeting with or lobbying local politicians
  • Art builds
  • Banner drops
  • Road blockages/shutdowns
  • Representing the group at a coalition meeting or event
  • A garage sale to raise funds for the group's work
  • Fun actions such as dressing up in costumes (the opportunity to be silly) and having food and music
  • A sign making event

Opportunities for providing support

  • Promote positions or tasks that need filling on social media.
  • Put an open call out for folks to help organize an upcoming event.
  • Being invited to take on more responsibility and tasks.
  • Ask people what they're good at and how they want to contribute.
  • It helps to be encouraged to step out of one's comfort zone with support from the team and mentorship of trusted peers.

Opportunities for discussion and spreading the word.

  • Develop a teach-in presentation for folks to deliver, for example.
  • Engaging in discussion to exchange knowledge that empowers further action.
Training sessions 
  • E.g. FREESKOOL is a convening of many groups for a day of teachings/trainings.
  • Opportunity to learn from each other, establish community and solidarity.
  • The following was suggested from participants in our navigating turnover in student groups learning circle: In some schools, a bootcamp (3 day online intensive) to get people up to speed on information, and bring the information to new people, is helpful. The important thing is to keep the relationships.
Coalition gatherings
  • E.g. Climate Justice Toronto hosted a convening of groups coming from many issue spaces to converge on how they could work together and support one another. 

Direct, one-on-one recruitment conversations

(See the above section for more details)

Taking over space!
  • The following was suggested from participants in our navigating turnover in student groups learning circle: "we took over space on campus for 3 days, so lots of community building and recruitment was achieved."

How to welcome new members

Have a welcome plan prepared for new joiners to welcome them and provide the information they need about the group they're joining! The following are some suggestions for welcoming new members using a presentation, meeting and follow up   [9] ':

Scheduled in advance with few people
  • Keep it to no more than 30-40 minutes in length if possible.
  • Keep it small so participants can gain personal connections.
  • The following were suggested from participants in our navigating turnover in student groups learning circle: Do not organize a meeting too soon after sending a message (allow people to free up their time). Mention an understanding for the lack of time of those who commit.

A loose agenda could look like...

  • Sharing stories. i.e. why you care and why you want to be involved now, more about the group
  • Share goals, strategy, project plans and/or emerging directions. 
  • The following were suggested from participants in our navigating turnover in student groups learning circle: Divest McGill made a document to inform incoming members of who the board of directors (the targets) for their campaign were, complete with their names, photos and info on each. This helps new members plug in.
  • Explain the different roles available on the team, and discuss the skills or interests they have that might fit. Come up with creative ideas for how they can use their unique skills and passions to further the purpose of the team. 
  • Give them a specific task to do, based on the role they want to take on and what tasks the project needs.
  • Sharing the notes and a summary of what happened in the last team meeting.
  • Share the next meeting date!
Assign a buddy or contact person
  • Assign a buddy or new contact support person. This person can help answer questions and create a sense of community and confidence in the group.

For more on welcoming new members see this resource by Beautiful Trouble.

Question: How can we merge new members in the group while balancing prior group dynamic (e.g. inside jokes, team culture etc.)?

Hub team members had the following suggestions:

  • Create more opportunities for regular group bonding. You could embed it in meetings (via check-ins/check-outs, gathering around food, having social time after the meeting).
  • Set up a buddy system for new people by pairing them up with someone who has been with the group for a long time. It helps build a sense of inclusion, they can explain dynamics etc.

Further suggestions include:

  • Document as much of this 'insider knowledge' as you can for new joiners, and go through it together!
  • Part of the onboarding process for 'the Hum' is to fill out a page in the team's 'user manual', which they use to describe how each individuals works best. See the template and an example here. This can be a great way to support the merge process for new members.

Retention suggestions

Take action!

  • Actions are not only a great opportunity to hand out flyers to people passing by. They also give existing members the feeling of having an impact, which keeps everyone motivated (rather than sitting through endless meetings). 

Don't neglect the value of joy and connection

  • These are the elements that both draw people in and help them to stay.
  • Invest intentional time into getting to now one another, and having fun together! Examples might include going out for coffee together, having a potluck, attending a local music event etc.

Ask people for their accessibility needs

  • What is keeping them from attending meetings or actions? How can you make engagement more accessible to them?
  • See our wiki on making your activism accessible for more.

Include various forms of participation and meet people where they're at

  • People should take on roles and tasks that suit their availability, and recognize that capacities fluctuate.
  • Check in with one another often. Is anyone overextended or willing to take on more?
  • Track the amount of time members can commit early on, or develop a system to share capacity on an ongoing basis, to prevent burnout. (I.e. ask group members to share a number 1-5 estimating their capacity to contribute to action planning until the next meeting).

Articulate purpose often

  • Include a quick mention of the purpose of each meeting in your agenda.
  • Every so often it can be helpful to remind of the group's mission, so folks are refreshed on why they've come together.

Plan for breaks

  • Group-wide breaks are great because you can easily commit to a date that you'll return to working together.
  • Rotating breaks for members can also be helpful for maintaining capacity and avoiding burnout. You can set an approximate date of return, and/or have a group member reach out to check on the teammate about their return.
Show appreciation and care
  • Engage in expressions of gratitude and happiness about team members' presence.
  • Have a care team that actively checks in with people throughout the duration of actions.

See this tree of engagement tool by the Movement Hub, which can be used to guide your discussions and outline your retainment strategies.